Parent Education
Our Parent Education program provides families valuable information on child development and parenting techniques. It also strengthens families and communities and is an important focus of our co-op philosophy.
Now Affiliated with Bates Technical College!

We are happy to share that Benson Hill Co-Op Preschool is now affiliated with Bates Technical College. When you enroll your student at Benson Hill Cooperative Preschool YOU become a Bates Technical College Student. By working in the classroom, you earn “laboratory time”. Bates offers multiple opportunities for you to gain your 8 parenting education credits. There are in person as well as electronic opportunities provided by your Bates Instructor. By participating in these Parent Education Opportunities, you earn Parent Education credits. Earning YOU Continuing Ed College Credits.
A knowledgeable Bates Child Studies Instructor will be dropping by the classroom to get to know your family and support you with any specific challenges or concerns you may have as a parent. On the months they are not in the classroom, the instructor will facilitate Parent Shares. Parent Shares are a time when families can share concerns and experiences and provide a supportive environment for one another. A wide variety of topics are touched on through out the year- including potty training, eating habits, sibling dynamics, and kindergarten readiness. This valuable component of our program occurs during classroom hours, so need to find childcare. The Bates Child Studies Instructor is also available for informal and private consultation with parents to help families with specific concerns. You will also receive access to electronic offerings, educational seminars, and fun family events sponsored by Bates.
Being a member of the Bates Technical College community also provides our cooperative preschool with monthly:
Teacher Trainings
Leadership training for the Board Members
Access to the Resource Center at the Bates South Campus
Access to the Parent Child Preschool Council (PCPC) Scholarship Fund
Statewide Insurance Coverage
Teacher Meetings
Two to three times throughout the year, parents are asked to attend these important teacher meetings to review classroom policies and safety guidelines. This helps our classes run smoothly and ensures are parents are properly trained to work with other children in the classroom. It is also a time to give feedback on how you feel the classroom is running.